and to the world.  I am attributing all the more importance to
it as my intelligence service has already given me some relevant
information.  Let us please jointly agree on a cable to be sent
to the Department of State.' 4/

"That cable, however, was not sent to the United States govern-
ment.  In Mr. Grew's memoirs there appears under date of
January 27, 1941, a different cable which seems intended to tone
down or distract from the merit of the information which Minister
Rivera Schreiber had furnished him personally.  In that message
the American Ambassador goes to the inexplicable extreme of saying
that it5/ was made available by the Minister of Peru to a member
of his Embassy staff.  It is obvious that in view of the enormous
importance of the information and Dr. Rivera Schreiber's high rank
of Minister Plenipotentiary, in addition to his personal friendship
with Mr. Grew, he6/ would not have communicated it to a subordinate
functionary of the American Embassy.  Mr. Grew's action is, there-
fore, incomprehensible and inexplicable all the more as the
Peruvian Minister in a friendly and disinterested manner was
rendering an invaluable service to the United States and the Allied

"Dr. Rivera Schreiber now thinks it is perfectly clear that Mr.
Grew distorted the truth as he was convinced that he was the prin-
cipal party in the effort to prevent war between his country and
Japan and that consequently he should not contradict his own
opinions with the extremely serious information so entrusted to
him.  Confirming this impression, the Minister of Peru recalls
that, in November 1941, i.e., ten months after his interview,
Mr. Grew gave a farewell reception for the Ambassador of Poland
and, answering a question of his7/ on the American Government's
reaction and the measures it had adopted with regard to his report,
the American diplomat literally said to him, ['] The time elapsed
has lessened the merit of the information and that he was sure of
the successful outcome of the Kurusu Mission to the United States,
which he had encouraged, and that Dr. Rivera could be sure that
there would be no war.[']8/ And he added, 'I have arranged to
remain in Tokyo for four more years.'9/

"Twenty days later the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred exactly as
pointed out in the information of January 26.

4/  Tr.:  The original English wording may not have been exactly
as rendered here.

5/  Tr.:  Presumably referring to the secret information.

6/  Tr.:  Presumably referring to Minister Schreiber.