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Teresa Kroll de Rivera Schreiber affidavit of 3 May 1983. Original spanish version and official translation.

Original spanish version, click here.

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Scans of official translation,
click on the thumbnails to zoom in.
Rivera file - official translation - page 1 thumbnail
Rivera file - official translation - page 2 thumbnail
Rivera file - official translation - page 3 thumbnail
Rivera file - official translation - page 4 thumbnail
Transcripts of official translation transcript of p.1 transcript of p.2 transcript of p.3 transcript of p.4
Blue characters in the transcripts are ours.
to Download the complete transcript in one single pdf file.

Handwritten dedication from Amb. Dunn to Amb. Rivera - thumbnail

Dedication on a copy of Cordell Hull's memoirs to Amb. Rivera Schreiber by US Amb. In Rome, James C. Dunn.
Click to zoom and read a transcript.

Mrs. Rivera Schreiber interview - Front page thumbnail

Mrs. Rivera Schreiber interview,
London, 2 July 1997, and comment.
Click on the icon to download a PDF file (8 pages).

Jorge Rivera letter - thumbnail

Handsigned letter from Jorge Rivera Schreiber to Giovanni Volpi, 1st August 2005, personal data blacked out.
Original file, transcript in html and pdf.

Jorge Rivera email - thumbnail

Email from Jorge Rivera to Giovanni Volpi, 14 August 2005, personal data blacked out.
Transcript in html.

Proof that Amb. Rivera Schreiber knew Amb. Grew very well - thumbnail

Proof that Amb. Rivera Schreiber knew Amb. Grew very well since at least 1937, and only dealt with him personally from equal to equal rank according to protocol.

Amb. Rivera Schreiber and Felipe Akakawa - thumbnail

Amb. Rivera Schreiber, in center, and Felipe Akakawa, who reported about Suganuma, to the right.

Jorge Rivera email - thumbnail

Email from Jorge Rivera to Giovanni Volpi, 23 December 2011, personal data blacked out.
Transcript in html.

Interview of Amb. Rivera Schreiber to the Peruvian newspaper El Comercio of 5 February 1949, click here.